people and cultures – inspiring journeys
sharing meaningful discoveries in Asia

Spirituality, Buddha and Hindu Dharma & Yoga

Hindu Dharma:

A selection of books by Anand Krishna – rooted in the tradition of the Sindhu Saraswati Civilization
Wonderful insights to the Bhagavad Gita- Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow,
The Mystery of the Creator and Creation,  Soul Quest,  The Hanuman Factor- Lessons from our spiritual CEO… and more…

Yoga:   What does it mean?

Yoga means Union and the goal of this union is to unite our individual consciousness ( jivatman) with the universal consciousness. ( atman).  Going beyond duality, we transcend our “individual self” into the unified and ultimate awareness of atman.
The discipline of yoga is very wide and has a large number of practices but they all have communality. In the end, they all lead back to the source, which is our ultimate teacher.

Yogasanas or body postures help us to be detached from our minds and our emotions. Meditation practices increase our patience and help us find the center of our universe, which is our soul. The asanas also make the body healthy, because the body is the temple of our soul. However, the body will be gone one day, but the soul within is immortal.

As human beings, our main stumbling block is that we confuse consciousness, self, mind and soul. Patanjali, Hindu sage and philosopher,  tells us in his Yoga Sutras that yoga is the resolution of the agitation of the mind. Then the seer abides his now nature.

See:  Live Yoga-  Yoga Sutras of Patanjali for Modern Times by Anand Krishna

Swami Sivananda Yoga Teachings:

The Tree of Yoga   classic by BKS Iyengar

Yoga Masters  Mark Forstater and Jo Manuel, Living Wisdom Series
Begins with an introduction to the theory and the philosophy behind yoga, Also contains new translations of the primary yoga scriptures.  The Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, and the Yoga Sutras holding the keys to self-awareness.

Buddha Dharma:


The Triple Gem, An Introduction to Buddhism, Gerald Roscoe, Silkworm Books

Questions from the City, Answers from the Forest, Ajahn Sumano Bhikkhu
Simple Lessons from a Western Buddhist Monk in Thailand

Publications by Ajahn Buddhadasa see: – meditation center in Thailand.

Empty Empty Happy Happy…. a book of wisdom by Bhante Sujatha of Sri Lanka:

Lessons from the Lotus by Bhante Wimala of Sri Lanka.

The Buddhist World of Southeast Asia by Donald K. Swearer 
Silkworm Books.
An interpretation of the many facets of Theravada Buddhism practiced in Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar and Sri Lanka.  From myths, legends, rites of passage and festivals to Buddhism and the State.

Relationship between Kingship and sacred cosmology and the rise of Buddhist political leaders in Post colonial period. The book also analyzes changing roles of monk and laity, the role of women, and Buddhism in the West.


The Power of Buddhism by His Holiness The Dalai Lama  and Jean-Claude Carriere.
More teachings on:

Becoming Your Own Therapist by Lama Yeshe, co-founder of:
and Tushita Tibetan Buddhist Center:

Glen Svennson of  Tushita in Dharamsala:
Audio teachings and articles on:

Buddhism with an Attitude
and the Seven-Point Mind Training
by Alan Wallace:

Start Where you Are – a guide to compassionate living by Pema Chodron
Shambala Classics:

What Makes You NOT a Buddhist by Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche of Bhutan.
Director of films  The Cup and Travellers and Magicians.

Peace is Every Step- a path to Mindfulness
 and other writings by
Vietnamese Zen Master  Thich Nhat Hanh:

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