people and cultures – inspiring journeys
sharing meaningful discoveries in Asia

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In Loving Rememberance of Guruji Anand Krishna

Guruji Anand Krishna, Spiritual Humanist of Indonesia brought love, compassion and joy to so many inspiring service to all in this world. Feeling very grateful to have been in his presence. May His Light, Love and Wisdom carry on in the Hearts of all he touched.
Selamat Jalan Guruji- Om Sadgati Praptir Astu

One Earth, One Sky, One Humankind

Alam Indah Group Celebrates 30 Years

Past to Present January 2025
It has been quite the journey since early Kebun Indah days actually 38 years ago! and on to Alam Indah, Alam Jiwa and Alam Shanti. The wonderful staff look forward to welcoming you to Bali!
Click Here to see more photos of our celebration visiting Pura Puncak Penulisan overlooking Mt Batur.
Wishing all Peace and well being this New Year

Bombs and Bombs… How many more Limbs need to be Lost?

Photo courtesy of COPE Laos during President Obama’s visit in 2016 learning about the legacy of UXO- Unexploded Ordinance dropped randomly in remote Laos for nine years during the Vietnam war.
Sadly wars continue to escalate in the world which is a Failure to Humanity.
Sharing personal stories and ENOUGH of WARS
and How to Support ICAN- International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
Click Here

Halo Halo Bandung- Halo Sundaland

One does not hear much about Sunda…. where is it? It’s West Java- and a long time ago, much more of a land mass that was submerged with rising sea levels. Could this have been the cradle of civilization?
Take a train ride to Bandung including a High Speed Whoosh and discover layers of history from ancient to post Dutch times.
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Mother’s Day Reflections May 2024

” I am sure that if the mothers of various nations could meet,
there would be no more wars.” ….E.M. Forster

And also honoring Ibu Pertiwi– Mother Earth – exploring a special space on Bali.
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Heaven Gains Another Star
28 December, 2023

Our beloved Ibu Wayan, mother of all at Cafe Wayan, Alam Indah Hotels and to so many around the world, has left this world peacefully after enduring a long illness. Ibu has been the heart and inspiration to so many of us who were graced by her presence.

Ibu Wayan will be missed so much. May she be reunited with Bapak Ketut where her spirit will continue to shine down on us all.

On 30 January, 2024, Ibu’s cremation was held. It was a very special send off…
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Myanmar Updates

Down with the Dictatorship in Myanmar- Enough is Enough!

01 February, 2021 the Myanmar Junta staged a brutal coup – much forgotten by the outside world.
It is beyond appalling and heartbreaking the situation with continued violent attacks on peaceful protesters, with continued killings of people including women and children. Homes, monasteries, schools and hospitals have been raided with beatings of medical staff. Air strikes on villages have been forcing thousands to flee across to Thailand, now also with a forced conscription of young people into the military and for what?- to fight their own people while junta cronies profit from resources. It is outrageous that China and Russia hold vetoe power at the UN while they support the Burmese military with weapons. And sadly even Singapore is harbouring billions of crony money with companies there dealing with arms shipments.
May the people remain strong and prevail!

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Insight Myanmar- Blogs and Insightful Podcasts:

Sharing Memories Below

February 2020: Chiang Mai Flower Festival

Every first weekend of February, a spectacular profusion of colors and creativity with flower floats and gardens…

Abundance of flowers- a feast for the eyes in Chiang Mai

Decemeber 2019: Cruising down the Mekong in Laos

May this stretch of the Mekong from the Thai border at Houixay down to Luang Prabang remain a precious journey…

Enjoy two full days floating downriver turning off the rest of the world aboard the Shompoo Boat.
Downstream or Upstream…. Join-in or private arrangements.
See more details:

where the rivers meet in Luang Prabang…

Preserving and Protecting Buddhist Heritage in Laos

Wat Xieng Thong, Luang Prabang
and a wonderful article from Buddhist Door:

November 2019: Greetings from Bali

Our village temple in Nyuh Kuning celebrates Kuningan Day- the end of Galungan ceremony on Bali – a 10-day period when the gods and ancestors descend to visit family shrines.

Pura Desa Village Temple of Nyuh Kuning

On the closing day of Kuningan, the sacred Barong Landung come out in procession with villagers paying respects. Read more on Bali NOW!- The Barong Landung stories- More than a simple Love Story

April 2019: Revisiting Orangutans – Tanjung Puting, Borneo

So wonderful to cruise once again up the Sekonyer River aboard a klotok in Tanjung Puting National Park.
Read more of the Story:CLICK: Revisiting Orangutans- Tanjung Puting, Borneo

Hanging Out in Tanjung Puting

Hang out with us and stay at Rimba Orangutan EcoLodge on The Sekonyer River

March 2019: Bali New Year

Village children in Nyuh Kuning gtting ready for Ogoh Ogoh Day with their own smaller creations.

Balinese New Year and Nyepi Day of Silence following the Ogoh Ogoh parades will be on 07 March, 2019.

The days leading to Nyepi- Balinese villages bring sacred temple objects to the sea for purification.

The parade of Ogoh Ogohs casts off any ill energies prior to ready for a Day of Silence and Renewal.

Elephant Love
Learn about How you Can Support these beautiful Elephants

at Chai Lai Orchid in Mae Wang near Chiang Mai

November 2018: Chiang Mai
Happy Full Moon Loi Krathong and Yi Peng Festival

in front of 3 Kings Monument, Chiang Mai
“There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle and the mirror that reflects it.” Edith Wharton
Sending Light and Hopes for brighter beginnings

February 2017: Thai Plum Village
A delight to join in the Vietnamese Tet Celebrations with the Thai Plum Village Sangha

and grateful to be close to the loving energy of Thich Nhat Hanh. During his later years, he was happy to be within this garden of his Continuations…

Peace is Every Step- Vietnamese Zen Master  Thich Nhat Hanh:  
” I am a continuation, like the rain is a continuation of the cloud.”

January 2016 Doi Pa Ngiem Chiang Mai

From a secret peak of Chiang Mai- best wishes for the New Year ahead

Early Alam Indah Days…

when times were simpler and slower…

Alam Indah Staff Outing to see Bali Starlings back in 2015

The staff were happy to contribute funds for another Bird Nest Box for FNPF-Friends of National Parks Foundation. Learn more about their work in breeding these beautiful Bali Starlings once nearly extinct as well as FNPF’s work in reforestation for orangutan habitat in Kalimantan:

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